The events below are organised by the Society - or the Society participates in them.
The Society organises many regular activities throughout the year which are not listed on this page. See our Bushwalking, Bushcare, Plant Study Group, Wild TING and Plant Nursery webpages for details about these regular activities.
The Society's Events Coordinator is Jo Carroll. Jo can be contacted at
This event is scheduled as part of the 2024 Blue Mountains Writers' Festival. The Mick Dark talk is jointly organised by BMCS and Varuna, the National Writers' House.
Gina Chick survived 67 days completely alone in the Australian wilderness. Her memoir, We Are The Stars, tells the extraordinary tale that led her there. A rewilding facilitator of many years, Gina is deeply committed to remembering of the wisdom of our hunter gatherer ancestors, living by internal authority, and discovering ways to be deeply connected to the vast web of life that is the nervous system of our living planet.
Weekend and Day passes are already on sale and single tickets for the Mick Dark talk will go on sale next Tuesday 10 September. Don't miss out.
Purchase all Writers Festival tickets at: Blue Mountains Writers Festival
From 10 Sept go directly here for the single Mick Dark Talk for the Future tickets.
Details can be found here: Blue Mountains Sustainability Festival.
There will also be updates on the progress of our latest campaigns.
The meeting will be held at Lawson Mechanics Institute at 2pm.
The guest speaker is Roy Tasker on Biochar production and use.
Dr Roy Tasker, Chief Scientific Advisor at Planet Ark, Climate Reality Leader, and Adjunct Professor of Chemistry Education at Western Sydney University. Roy will discuss exciting new technology for the production and uses of biochar as one of the most effective ways for carbon dioxide removal.
Please register at Humanitix to assist with catering, or phone the Society on 0490 419 779 and leave a message indicating your attendance.
The speaker is Candice Bartlett (Conservation Officer with the Invasive Species Council).
The topic is Who let the cat out? A national overview of cat impacts, curfews and the case for change.
Afternoon tea at 2:30 pm, followed by the talk at 3:00 pm.
Please register at Humanitix to assist with catering, or phone the Society on 0490 419 779 and leave a message indicating your attendance.